When you bring your truck to The Finer Details for a boxliner, the first step is that we prepare the vehicle and take the tailgate off, and any brackets and plugs that can come out out so that we don’t have to mask around them. It looks better when done.
We then send the box, getting it prepped and ready for the application of the boxliner application.

When it has dried, we take the plastic masking off, and let it sit and completely dry overnight. Then, the next morning, we put all the tailgate assembly and brackets back on.
We’ve been doing box liners since 2002. It’s our most popular service. The actual product is called Raptor and we’ve never had a problem. Other products such as Rhino tends to peel because it’s a rubberized application. Raptor is a tough polyurethane product with certain modifications that we’ve made to give it a rougher surface.
When a customer calls we give them a price and schedule a service making sure to specify that it is an overnight service. We can usually book them in within a week.
Customers can then pick it up the next day after 10 am. It just takes one day, and lasts for as long as you own your vehicle.